Full Frontals Sew-in Guide To Achieve A Perfect Look


Full guide to install frontal sew-in
Full guide to installing frontal sew-in

What Is A Lace Frontal Sew In?

13X4 lace frontals
13X4 lace frontals

A lace frontal is a hairpiece that spans from ear to ear and covers the full front of your hairline. It's usually 13 inches long and 4 inches wide.

Lace frontals finish the look of a sew-in by closing it off, removing the need to leave hair out in an attempt to achieve a natural look.

A frontal is a great option if you need a little more coverage because it totally covers your hairline.

Pros and Cons of Lace Frontals?

Lace frontals and lace closures have the same basic function. The size of the lace is the most visible distinction between a closure and a frontal.

Although lace frontals sew in to give the wearer the most style options, they do have certain drawbacks.


+ Flexibility – You can adjust and adapt your parting in any way you choose.

+ Heat Resistance – Removes the need to risk heat damage.

+ Easy Installation – It appears to be growing right from your scalp.


- Cost – Can be pretty costly.

– Lifespan – Does not las long

Frontals are the best alternative if you want to try something new and prefer changing up your style frequently.

How to install a sew-in frontal?

Frontal sew-in installation process
Frontal sew-in installation process

If you enjoy watching wonderful movies on YouTube, you will find a variety of lessons on how to securely attach a lace frontal.

If you don't have good instructions, sewing in frontal may be rather tough, therefore I've put up five essential steps to show you how.

Step 1 - Braid your hair

Braid your natural hair into cornrows
Braid your natural hair into cornrows

Cornrow your hair, braiding the top/middle part back for frontal and bundles weave insertion.

Then, to make sewing in-between braids easier, put on the weaving net.

Step 2 – Place the Frontal

Place and start sewing in the frontals
Place and start sewing in the frontals

Place the frontal on your head and adjust it to the position you choose.

Step 3 – Start to Sew

Make sure you sew the sides of the lace frontal down first, followed by the back. Trim the excess lace to make a natural hairline once you're done.

Step 4 – Create Baby Hair

To produce baby hair, take a few strands of hair from the frontal and trim them with a razor. Then, using hair gel, lay down the baby’s hairs for a more natural look.

Step 5 – Finishing

Final look with frontal sew in
Final look with frontal sew in

Finish weaving the lengthier bundles into the remainder of the hair and style as desired. You can also slay sleek or curly hair with weave hair with frontal.


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